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Industrial applications are increasingly operating autonomously with minimal human intervention. In that environment, the demands regarding quality and reliability for memory components are stringent. From the outside, commercial and industrial grade products often look similar or even identical. A commercial grade DRAM can have the exact same density, speed, and form factors as its industrial […]

Why Industrial Grade Matters

By SMARTsemiNovember 11, 2022
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The causes and consequences of climate change make the news daily. With the 2030 deadline of the Paris Agreement approaching, public awareness has gone up. Companies have also jumped on the bandwagon, pledging to reduce their emissions (to zero) and rolling out ESG programs across departments. For example, in the semiconductor industry in the past […]

Sustainability in the chip supply chain

By SMARTsemiOctober 26, 2022
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The global chip shortage continues to make headlines even in its second year. Since the COVID-19 pandemic destabilized the market in 2020, the electronics industry has been plagued by supply chain disruptions and shortages. Whether the end products are for consumer goods or healthcare devices, every industry designing with semiconductors has felt the impact.  The […]
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Extending Production Lifecycle
It has been 75 years since scientists made the first working transistor at Bell Labs after first conducting more than two decades of research. Ten years later, Gordon Moore predicted the annual doubling of transistors on a chip, dubbed Moore’s Law – an economic driver and self-fulfilling prophecy pushing the industry towards continuous innovation. Whether […]
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Trends and shortages in the semiconductor industry are often reported on without highlighting the nuances and differences in segments within the industry, such as sensors, analog, discrete, logic, optical components, and of course, memory. While a manufacturer may focus on one or few product families or subfamilies, contract manufacturers and OEMs usually need semiconductor components […]
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Natural disasters, (trade) wars, and geopolitical uncertainties showed the need for supply chain leaders to rethink their priorities even before the COVID-19 lockdowns, shutdowns, and travel bans. The pandemic put a magnifying glass on the weaker links in the semiconductor supply chain, resulting in some unprecedented component and product shortages. A complex supply chain will […]
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The CHIPS and Science Act
Last month, the CHIPS+ Act was signed into law. CHIPS+ stands for Creative Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors and Science, and its goal is to boost US semiconductor R&D and manufacturing to further bolster America’s leadership role in the industry. Today, the USA produces only 10% of the global semiconductor chip supply and is heavily […]
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EOL Diagram
While new fabs are being announced across the globe, there is a concomitant effect playing out in the background: product obsolescence. Suppliers are recovering from the slowdown during the pandemic in part by focusing on new production lines driving an increasing number of components to End-of-Life (EOL). At the other end of the supply chain, […]
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Out of Stock
The electronics industry is in tumultuous waters. Similar to any other industry, lockdowns, border closures, the war in Ukraine, trade wars, and shifts in supply and demand have affected the industry. This year, 83% of semiconductor parts showed increased lead times according to IHS Markit. As demand continues to outpace chip supply, manufacturers have responded […]
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Established over 20 years ago, SMARTsemi is a Line of Business of SMART Modular Technologies, Inc. that globally manufactures and delivers millions of memory components annually for embedded medical, robotics, communications, industrial, defense, home entertainment applications and standard, ruggedized, and custom memory and storage solutions in high-growth markets. When you think memory, think SMART. When you’re sourcing memory components, select SMARTsemi.